Living in silence

In the wake of the affair discovery, we retained a lawyer to help us draft a cease and desist order against the mistress who continued to contact our family, set on causing as much collateral damage as possible.  One of the things our lawyer advised us of was to not engage in the same behaviourContinue reading “Living in silence”


The devastation of an affair brings about a sense of loss like none I have ever experienced.  In that one moment, when I’d realized that my husband had been with another woman, I felt like I’d lost everything that was important to me.  I lost our intimacy, the trust, the sense of ‘knowing’ the manContinue reading “Loss”

The day I discovered my husband had been having an affair

The accounts of the day I found out about my husband’s affair are as clear as day.  Documenting them today is memorable for a few reasons.  This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the day my world fell apart.  I also think that putting it down in words will help not only me, butContinue reading “The day I discovered my husband had been having an affair”