My husband fucked a moron…I hope it isn’t contagious

My husband’s ex-mistress is a moron.  I used to say that out of sheer anger and hatred for what her actions had brought into my family, and her ongoing harassment and downright cruel actions.  Now, I say it because I have proof, and while it used to make me angry, it now kind of makesContinue reading “My husband fucked a moron…I hope it isn’t contagious”

“The mistress doesn’t owe the wife anything”

I hear it time and time again. People who defend the rights of the mistress to sleep with whomever she pleases, that it is her right to foster a relationship with anyone she wants, and then say “the mistress doesn’t owe the wife anything…it’s the husband who is breaking the vows so he is theContinue reading ““The mistress doesn’t owe the wife anything””

Debunking the myths of infidelity

In both my reading on the topic of infidelity and in my casual polls taken among friends, it seems there are many myths that come with the territory of infidelity.  Some of these myths are held by women, some by men, and some by both.   Some are held by mistresses, some by wives.  I’veContinue reading “Debunking the myths of infidelity”